Heart of Reeds
Lewes, East Sussex, UK
A work designed for a local Nature Reserve to increase the Biodiversity of the site. Made in collaboration with the Railway land Wildlife Trust and Lewes District Council. Funded by Viridor Plc, Arts Council South East and Harveys Brewery.
The design is taken from patterns of blood flow in the heart, namely a Cardiac Twist, which is a complex pattern allowing for more borderlands between land and water and so increasing the likelihood of more biodiversity. Water levels can be adjusted by sluice gates and to scour the build up of reed detritus, the design allows one half to be isolated from the other so it can be drained without loosing all the water species. Water flows constantly through it and out into the water meadows beyond where there is a pond dipping area for school studies. The work visible as a pattern from a viewing mound and from the adjacent Hill, and a board walk runs through the centre of it. It is about 2.5 acres in extent.